Non-Invasive Body Contouring


Male patient before and after Kybella for double chin

Actual IN2ITION patient before and after Kybella treatments in Mansfield, Texas

Surgery is NOT your only option when it comes to treating double chin!

Kybella is the only FDA-approved non-surgical treatment that can dramatically improve a double chin, also know as submental fat reduction.  

After a series of injections, Kybella attacks the unwanted fat cells throughout the injection site and works to destroy them. Once the fat cells have been destroyed, they can store or accumulate additional fat.

Kybella can be used to treat both men and women with submental fullness. The average client takes 2-3 treatments to reach desired results.

Kybella - Before and After Kybella Treatments

Clinical Photos of Kybella Results

Morpheus Body at IN2ITION

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is cutting edge, non-surgical cosmetic technology that uses radio frequency fractional treatments to:

  • Remodel tissue

  • Stimulate collagen production

  • Tighten and resurface skin

Body Contouring and Cellulite reduction

Using Morpheus8 we can target and shrink your unwanted fat cells in your trouble areas to help you loose inches as well as firm and tighten your skin.  We can treat just about any area you have unwanted fat, but some of our client's favorite areas include:

  • Thighs

  • Stomach

  • Love handles

  • Back

  • Arms

BONUS: This treatment also provides skin tightening!  

This advanced cellulite reduction treatment works by using multipolar radiofrequency to rid unwanted cellulite. The heat is safely delivered into the skin in order to increase metabolism, promote lymphatic drainage and reduce the size of fat cells and chambers.

skin tightening 

Using the same technology we do when we are body contouring, we adjust the temperature to provide skin tightening solutions. We control the temperature to target areas and stimulate your body in to produce collagen in all the right places. After this procedure you'll notice your existing collagen fibers have tightened up and you’ll produce more collagen which helps:

  • Minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Tighten your skin.

  • Reduce the appearance of cellulite.

This treatment is perfect for the face and neck areas.

Scar and Stretch Mark Treatments

Morpheus8 also allows us to treat stretch marks and scars. Using this technology we can reduce the appearance of injury, C-section and other scars. We can also reduce the appearance of stretch marks on your thighs, buttocks, stomach or pretty much anywhere stretch marks have appeared.

All of our treatments are personalized to your needs. Some treatments require multiple sessions. Because of this, there are some treatments that don’t have a price listed. If you see a service you’re interested in that does not have a price listed, please schedule a complimentary consultation. We’ll evaluate your goals and provide pricing.



  • The active ingredient in KYBELLA® is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, KYBELLA® destroys fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.

  • KYBELLA® destroys fat cells when it's injected. So, once those cells are destroyed they can't store or accumulate fat. After you get the results you're looking for, you shouldn't need anything other treatmens.

  • If you gain weight, there is a chance new fat cells will develop and your double chin could return. This is not because KYBELLA® didn’t work. It’s because new fat cells developed due to weight gain.

Body Contouring 

  • Morpheus8 is safe for all skin types as well as skin tones, meaning it can be used on darker skin without issue. That said, there are other factors that may prevent you from being a candidate so if you’re interested in Morpheus8 treatments, the best thing to do is schedule a consultation.

  • You may experience some redness and mild edema after a treatment. However, you may cover the area with make-up and sunscreen and continue with your normal daily activities.

See Morpheus8 Before and After Photos on the Manufacturer’s site!