Hair Loss Solutions


PRF is a revolutionary non-surgical regrowth therapy which is giving millions of hair loss patients optimism about the possibility of real hair regeneration. 


The PRF hair treatment is an injectable procedure that is so effective, you can have it on your lunch break with little to no downtime. We will start the procedure by drawing your blood. Your platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) will be isolated from your blood using a centrifuge.

Your head will be locally anesthetized and your PRF will be injected into different areas of your scalp needing treatment. These injections effectively stimulate your hair follicles with growth factors to reproduce similar types of cells. This process will trigger your sleeping hair follicles to wake up and make your existing hair stronger and in many cases, it will generate new growth.

PRF injections will act as an antidote to help to prevent further hair loss and will help restore your hair. In many cases, this breakthrough hair restoration technique has dramatically multiplied the number of hair follicles in areas that had previously been thinning.

With little to no downtime, you will be able to return to your normal routine the same day as your procedure. Regrowth can start to show over the course of several months.

Can be paired w/ microneedling and human growth serums for maximum results. 

All of our treatments are personalized to your needs. Some treatments require multiple sessions. Because of this, there are some treatments that don’t have a price listed. If you see a service you’re interested in that does not have a price listed, please schedule a complimentary consultation. We’ll evaluate your goals and provide pricing.


  • A series of 3- 6 treatments about 3-4 weeks apart is recommended. It is recommended to follow up and regularly and add maintenance treatments as needed.

  • This treatment is most effective when a person is actively noticing their hair thinning out. This is the best time to regenerate the dying hair cells. Once the hair thins out or the patient goes completely bald and remains that way for a couple of years, it is not guaranteed those cells will regenerate and start growing again.

  • It really doesn't compare. You'd be comparing apples to oranges as this is a non-surgical hair replacement option. When you look at the two, using PRP is minimally invasive, require no downtime and do not leave a scar. Hair transplants are the opposite.